Wool Knitted Beanie
🧶This fine knitted beanie made of wool soft yarn that not only will give you warmth but also is very soft on your skin.
🧶Made from premium soft wool yarn.
🧶 Made with love in a sanitized smoke – free environment
A set of a crochet beanie and a knitted cole
🧶 Made from the finest imported yarn with a sprinkle of wool for extra warmth.
🧶 That bulky set is what you need to add elegance to your look with those bold colors.
🧶 Made in a sanitized smoke free environment.
🧶 سيت مكونة من ايس كاب كروشيه و كولة كوفية من التريكو.
🧶 مصنوعة من اجود انواع الخيط المستورد مع نسية من الصوف لمزيد من الدفء.
🧶 السيت المغزولة من الخيط السميك هى كل ما تحتاجينه لاضفاء رونق لكامل طقمك بألوانه الجريئة.
🧶 مصنوع في بيئة معقمة بلا تدخين.
Soft Knit Dress
Flexible fit for sizes from small to large. Not recommended for bigger sizes. The dress is stretchable giving a more or less form fitting look depending on the size.