Dusty Rose Fleuri Fanoos
Wooden fanoos in dusty nude color and flowers design
Fleuri Dusty Rose Ramadan Tray
Wooden Ramadan tray in dusty nude color and flowers
Boho Ramadan Set
Dots fanoos with decorative stands mix of arabic calligraphy and boho colors
Burgundy Ramadan Set
Wooden set for Ramadan Fanous and decorative stands in burgundy x gold colors
Teal Gold Ramadan Set
Wooden decorative stand for Ramadan in teal gold colors with matching small fanoos
Ramadan decor sebhaa
seb7a home decor
natural wooden pearls and jute
length 110 cm -
- soft woody scent of sandalwoods, vanilla cream.
Wall decoration
RAMADAN decoration with tuoch of sirma
Neeni Fanous
Handmade Ramadan Fanoos made with beads
Customizable: colors, size -
Wooden Soap Dish طبق الصابون الخشبي الانيق
Elegant Soap Dish طبق الصابون الخشبي الانيق
Scented Relaxant BathSalts أملاح الاستحمام المهدئه المعطره
Scented relaxant bathsalts with lavender flowers decrease the stress,scrubbing your body, soften the skin ,relax the muscles and moisturize your skin
contains essential oils, Shea butter and lavender flowers 200 gm أملاح الاستحمام المعطرة بزهور اللافندر تقلل من التوتر وتنظف جسمك وتنعيم البشرة وتريح العضلات وترطب بشرتك٢٠٠ جرام يحتوي على الزيوت العطرية وزبدة الشيا وزهور اللافندر