Hair follicle stimulator
For hair & eyebrows
- Stimulates Hair growth
- Provides thickness
- Prevents Hair loss
- All hair types
- Unisex
Chemicals Free – Cruelty Free
Natural Milk Soap صابونه الحليب الطبيعيه
Natural handmade milk Soap riches with natural oils ,Lavender essential oil, Vitt.E and milk to whiten, scrub and moisturize your body 100 gm صابون الحليب الطبيعي المصنوع يدوياً الغني بالزيوت الطبيعية وزيت اللافندر الأساسي وفيتامين E
١٠٠ جرام والحليب لتبييض وتقشير وترطيب الجسم
Cyperus and Lavender Natural Cold Process Soap
This Cyperus and Lavender Cold Process Soap decreases undesired body hair growth.
Cyperus and Lavender Natural Cold Process Soap
This Cyperus and Lavender Cold Process Soap decreases undesired body hair growth.
Hot Oil Treatment For Hair Loss
A wonderful blend of oils that help strengthen hair follicles and shaft.
It helps improve microcirculation which encourages the development of new hair cells.Contents:125 ml
Khatoon Nail Serum ,, سيروم الاظافر
It’s our new product for summer holidays, khatoon Nail Serum, which can provide your Nails with the required moisture and make them more strong and have a healthy look
Rose massage soap
Rose massage soap with jojoba oil
صابونة الورد للمساج بزيت الجوجوبا
Lemongrass Breeze Soap Bar
Lemongrass breeze soap is a refreshing and aromatic soap that is infused with the essence of lemongrass, a tropical grass known for its citrusy and uplifting scent. The soap is made by blending natural ingredients, such as lemongrass essential oil, with a gentle base of nourishing blend of oils.