Travel lover mug
Handpainted porcelain mug
300 ml -
Travelers leather notebook
handmade genuine leather notebook .
plain Italian recycled paperssize 23*15 cm
Travelers leather notebook
handmade genuine leather notebook .
plain Italian recycled paperssize 11*17 cm
Tray with 1 mug
Decoupaged floral tray 25*15 with a printed matching mug
Tray with 2 mugs
Decoupaged Wooden tray 35*17with 2 matching printed mugs
Tray with 2 mugs
Decoupaged white and blue tray 35 *30 with 2 matching printed mugs
Tray with 2 mugs
Decoupaged tray 40*30 with 2 matching printed mugs
Tree leather notebook
handmade genuine leather notebook with plain recycled papers
size 23*15 cm