• Sold By: Khatoon

    Khatoon water (new size)

    Sold By: Khatoon

    New size of our khatoon water, 50ml , easy to carry everywhere,to apply your skin routine
    Khatoon water is antiaging formula from Orange peels extract, Frankincense extract & Khatoon oily special formula

  • Sold By: Khatoon

    Larose Water ماء لاروز الطبيعي من خاتون

    Sold By: Khatoon

    Larose Water is a natural Extract from lavender & rosemary plants..
    For oily & mixed skin
    For hair &for

    Suitable for daily use in school days to refresh hair.. protect your hair from air, sun and dust .

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Lavender essential oil

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Have you checked our latest collection of essential oils? Get to know some of the main benefits of our Lavender Essential Oil, this oil is known to reduce stress and anxiety as it promotes relaxation and tranquility. It also calms and soothes your heart and mind, giving you peace and harmony. What are you waiting for? All you have to do is to head to the DMs and order yours!

    ⚠️⚠️Warning: Not to be used if you’re pregnant or with kids. Also, a sensitivity test must be done before applying to the skin.

    ‎هل رأيت أحدث مجموعة لدينا من الزيوت العطرية؟ تعرف على بعض الفوائد الرئيسية لدينا من زيت اللافندر، هذا الزيت معروف آنه بيساعد علي تقليل الضغط و القلق، كما انه يساعد علي الاسترخاء و الهدوء و الطمأنينة
    ‎هو أيضًا يهدئ القلب و العقل، يعطي لك سلام و انسجام
    ‎! وتطلبها DM دلوقتي تقدر تبعت

    ‎تحذير: لا ينصح باستخدام هذا المنتج للحوامل أو اطفال ويجب إجراء اختبار حساسية الجلد قبل الاستخدام

  • Sold By: SAVONA

    Lavender Essential Oil

    Sold By: SAVONA

    Naturally soothing, Lavender essential oil is calming for your body, mind, and well-being.

    Suitable for children over 2 years.

    Key benefit: Relaxing

    Contents: 10 ml

  • Sold By: Candy Beauty

    Lavender Massage Candle Clay Pot

    Sold By: Candy Beauty

    Natural handmade massage candle.

    Massage candles offer a number of benefits, including Relaxation, Improved Circulation, Skin Hydration and Aromatherapy .

  • Sold By: SAVONA

    Lavender Moisturizing Lotion

    Sold By: SAVONA

    This rich natural lotion is loaded with skin-loving oils and shea butter for long-lasting moisturization and super soft skin. It has a nice delicate lavender scent.

  • Sold By: basma natural

    lavender oil

    Sold By: basma natural

    lavender essential oils is one of the most popular essential oils used in aromatherapy,it ‘s perfect for relaxing before sleeping

    how to use lavender oil?

    1.You can put it on your skin with a carrier oil

    2.you can put it in diffuser  or used it  as steam for aromatherapy

    if you use lavender oil for the first time ,you should make a test

    How to do a patch test ?

    *mix a very small amount of essential oil /carrier oil at twice the concentration you plan to use .for example:mix one teaspoon almond oil with 6 drops of lavender oil

    *using the inside of forearm, apply a couple drop of your double concentration mix to the pad of a bandaid and keep the bandaib on the skin, after 48 hours remove the bandaib and check the irritation .

    *you may repeat to check allergic sensitivity

    *if the skin under or around the bundaig become red ,swollen, itchy or develop blisters ,that is a reaction and you should avoid skin exposure to the essential oil you tested.

  • Lemon Shea Body Butter

    Why use 2 or 3 products when you can just use 1?

    Feel softer & smell nicer during winter using just our Lemon Shea Body Butter

    Lemon Butter is known to help with:

    1- Dark spots and acne scars
    2- Whitening sensitive and dark areas in the body (Elbows & Knees)
    3- Wrinkles and saggy skin
    4- Moisturizing

    Try our Lemon Shea Body Butter now

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Lemongrass essential oil

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Here are some of the main benefits of the Lemongrass Essential Oil,
    -Helps in fighting bacteria
    -Support overall skin health
    -Freshen the atmosphere
    -A stress reliever used for relaxation and massage
    -Helps with headaches and reduces pain

    ⚠️⚠️Warning: Not to be used if you’re pregnant or with kids and sensitivity test must be done before applying to skin.

    تعرف أكثر على الفوائد الرئيسية لزيت عشبة الليمون العطري.
    -يساعد على محاربة البكتريا،
    -يساعد فى تحسين الجلد،
    -ينعش الجو،
    -يقلل من الضغط و يستخدم فى الأسترخاء و المساچ،
    -يستخدم لعلاج الصداع و يخفض الألم

    ⚠️⚠️تحذير: لا ينصح باستخدام هذا المنتج للحوامل أو الأطفال ويجب إجراء اختبار حساسية الجلد قبل الاستخدام

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