• Sold By: Candy Beauty

    Candy Fairy Magic Hair Balm

    Sold By: Candy Beauty

    Candy Fairy Magic Hair Balm can help revitalize damaged, dull and over-processed hair as it’s rich in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. It’s recommended for coarsely textured hair, tightly coiled curly hair, dry and over-processed hair.
    It’s enriched with Shea butter, coconut oil, jojoba oil, and sweet almond oil so it conditions and softens the hair, leaving it silky and smooth

  • Sold By: Candy Beauty

    Candy Fairy Magic Set

    Sold By: Candy Beauty

    You need to take extra care of your scalp and hair, protecting it from being dry, fragile and brittle .
    You can rely on Fairy Magic hair set . It’s all Natural, Handmade, rich in nourishing oils and vitamins .❤
    it is free from any harsh chemicals like sulfates and parabens.💚

  • Sold By: Candy Beauty

    Candy Fairy Magic Shampoo

    Sold By: Candy Beauty

    Natural, handmade, sulfate-free and parabens-free to be safe and mild on your scalp, help retain the natural moisture of the hair so that your hair does not lose its natural shine and softness.

  • Sold By: Candy Beauty

    Candy Heel Magic

    Sold By: Candy Beauty

    Concenterated magical formula of Urea, Vit E, Glycerin and Panthenol that help:
    1- Heals, relieves and repairs extremely dry cracked feet.
    2- Works fast as you will see improvment of your cracked heel within few days.

  • Sold By: Candy Beauty

    Candy Timeless

    Sold By: Candy Beauty

    Candy TIMELESS cream is an anti-aging cream that has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.
    it improves the elasticity of the skin with an excessive corrective effect on the fine line and wrinkles surface, depth and volume

  • Caramel Kiss Soap
    Sold By: Candy Beauty

    Caramel Kiss Soap

    Sold By: Candy Beauty

    Natural handmade cold process soap.

    Our handcrafted cold process soap gently cleanses and deeply moisturizes, leaving your skin feeling soft and refreshed. Made with all-natural ingredients and free of harsh chemicals, it’s the simple, effective way to elevate your skincare routine.

    Suitable for mature mixed and oily skin

    Buy 3 to get 20% discount
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  • Sold By: Floral Soap

    Carrot Seed Cold-Processed Soap

    Sold By: Floral Soap

    Carrot Seed Cold-Processed Soap is a moisturizing face and body soap, best natural soap for dry and sensitive skin.

  • Sold By: MINU Soap

    Castile liquid body shower

    Sold By: MINU Soap

    A shower for your body made of solely and extra virgin olive oil that leaves your skin with a baby-soft feeling.

    comes in a variety of scents: coconut , bubble gum , mango and lavender. Highly recommended for sensitive skin.

  • Sold By: basma natural

    Castor Oil

    Sold By: basma natural

    زيت الخروع

    Castor Oil

    وصف المنتج :

    لطالما اشتهر زيت الخروع واستخدم في الطب القديم كملين للأمعاء، ومعالج للالتهابات ومضاد للاكسدة ، وترجع  فوائد زيت الخروع إلى محتواه العالي من الدهون غير المشبعة ومضادات الأكسدة القوية، إضافة إلى خصائصة المضادة للالتهاب والبكتيريا، وتعزيز صحة البشرة والحفاظ علي صحة الشعر.

    فوائد لزيت الخروع :

    ١-تعزيز صحة البشرة

    ٢- الحفاظ علي صحة البشرة

    ٣-تغذية الرموش

    ٤-مضاد للالتهابات والبكتيريا
    ٥-هايل في علاج حب الشباب
    ٦-بيقلل ظهور القشرة في الشعر

    ٧-يعالج تقصف الشعر

    نصائح لاستخدام زيت الخروع:

    غير امن علي الحوامل والمرضعات لذلك اذا كنتي حامل او بترضعي لا تستخدميه

    .من الافضل خلط زيت الخروع مع زيوت اخري مثل زيت جوزالهند او زيت اللوز الحلو لتخفيفه وسهولة استخدامه

    الحجم :٣٠ مل

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