Our Amazing Head Band made from 100% Organic cotton to help you while applying Face Masks, Makeup, Facial skin care or even sleeping.

  • Lip Scrub

    Exfoliating your lips is the best way to achieve smooth lips. Moisturizing lip scrub will leave you with soft, free of flakes and dryness.

    How to use ?

    Take a small amount , scrub your lips gently in a circular motions for 60 seconds. Gently wash off and apply our hydrating Lip Balm to moisturize.

    Full Ingredients :
    Sugar, coconut oil, jojoba oil, beeswax, shea butter, Rice Bran oil, sun flower oil, sweet almond oil, vitamin E, flavor oil , Mica

    Size : 30 g

    Choose from your favourite of 5 deliciously different flavor to achieve smoother lips ( Strawberry – Bubble Gum – Banana – Green Apple – Coconut )


    *Activated charcoal soap with essential tea tree oil is very effective to reduce acne on face and body.
    *Activated charcoal is very good to absorb toxins on your skin. Tea tree essential oil also has benefits as natural antibacterial and accelerate acne drying process.

  • Duck Soap

    *Natural – Organic – Handcrafted.
    *This soap suits all skin types as glycerin draws moisture to your skin keeping it hydrated and softer.
    *Glycerin soap is a very good cleanser for your face by getting rid of extra oils and dirts that clog the pores.
    *Makes your skin moisturized so prevent wrinkles development.
    *This Soap is enriched with Shea-butter, glycerin and vitamin E.


    *This soap is one in a melon 🙂

    *Natural – Organic – Handcrafted.
    *This soap suits all skin types as glycerin draws moisture to your skin keeping it hydrated and softer.
    *Glycerin soap is a very good cleanser for your face by getting rid of extra oils and dirts that clog the pores.
    *Makes your skin moisturized so prevent wrinkles development.
    *This Soap is enriched with Shea-butter, glycerin and vitamin E.

  • Sold By: the bath land

    Acne soap with Tea tree & charcoal

    Sold By: the bath land

    An excellent antibacterial soap which helps get rid of impurities.
    -A proper treatment for acne.
    -Effective against skin infections

    صابون زيت شجرة الشاي لبشرة اكثر صحية 🍃
    – صابون مضاد للباكتريا
    -يفكك دهون البشرة و يعالج حب الشباب
    -يساعد البشرة الدهنية علي التحكم بالافراط في انتاج الزيوت – تهدئ و تلطف البشرة

  • Sold By: MINU Soap

    Flower Bath Bombs

    Sold By: MINU Soap

    Our Bath Bombs are fun to have for you and for your kids. Pretty safe, free from any oils, only salts that would leave your skin baby soft and freshly scented.
    دلعي نفسك

  • Sold By: MINU Soap

    Herbal Mix hair Conditioner

    Sold By: MINU Soap

    لشعر تاج المرأة.. ومع الصيف ،الرطوبة كتر استخدام المية، بينشف ويتقصف. كريم الشعر بتاعنا من ٣ مستخلصات زيوت طبيعية رائعة في فايدتها


    زيت البرتقال وده يعمل كمرطب لتغذية فروة الرأس بعمق وتعزيز إصلاح الشعر. كما يساعد فيتامين سي في تجديد الخلايا لتعزيز نمو الشعر


    زيت الخردل لعلاج الشعر الجاف والهامش والباهت.

    واخيرا زيت الشاي

    وده بيمنع تراكم المواد الكيميائية علي الشعر والجلد الميت. فبيحافظ على شعرك صحي ورطب ، ويحفز نموه بمعدله الطبيعي ويقلل القشرة وبالتالي يقلل التساقط.

    العبوة انا عاملاها صغيرة حوالي ٧٠ -١٠٠ جرام علشان تقدروا تجربوه بنفسكم

    لو حبيتوا تاخدوا معاكم وانتم مسافرين، كمان

  • Bath Fizzy Powder

    Aphrodite Bath Fizzy Powder

    Make your Bath time more fun and relaxing Our Handmade fizzy bath powder are perfect for bath time. The essential oil scents give you aromatherapy benefits and added relaxation benefits.

    It will keep your body soft and hydrated due to the oils added and help you to exfoliate your skin gently by removing dead skin

    *How to use ?

    Use the spoon provided and sprinkle the desired amount into warm running bath water and enjoy the colors, bubbles and scent

    *What’s the difference between bathbomb and barh fizzy powder ?

    Fizzy bath powder gives you more than one use. Bath bombs are used once and they’re gone. Either way, you’ll have a wonderful experience with them.

    *Ingredients :
    – Epsom Salt
    – Pink Himalayan Salt
    – coconut Oil
    – sweet Almond Oil
    – Sodium Bicarbonate
    – Citric Acid
    – Dried flower Buds ( Lavender – Chamomile – Rose )

    *weight : +/- 125g

    Take your pick! Have fun! Rest. Relax. Put your feet up. Have some bath time for self-care.

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