• Sold By: basma natural

    Musk body mist

    Sold By: basma natural

    Musk is a subtle scent with powerful effects. It’s delicate, calming and wonderfully enchanting.
    This body mist gives you feel-good vibes wherever you are,whatever you are doing.
    Grab one in every flavour to stash in your desk drawer, handbag and gym bag. Mix it up, swap them, and carry one everywhere.

    170 ml
    How to use
    Spray onto your body especially neck and pulse points.


    Store in a cool dry place away from light ,Stop using in case of allergies.

    made in Egypt

  • Sold By: basma natural

    Lavender body mist

    Sold By: basma natural

    Get a deep night’s sleep &wake up feeling fresh with our lavender sleep mist.

    Bsically, lavender works by calming the central nervous and promoting slow-wave sleeps helping you sleep longer and better.

    How to use :
    after along day ,before sleeping spray lavender body mist around your bed or spray it on your body.
    size :175 ml

    Want that body mist to last even longer? use our lavender Body Lotion, or even our lavender Deodorant.


    Store in a cool dry place away from light ,Stop using in case of allergies.


  • Sold By: basma natural

    Blueberry body mist

    Sold By: basma natural

    Get a refreshing and uplifting burst of fragrance with our natural blueberry body mist.
    Perfect for you need a quick refreshing.
    this body mist gives you feel-good vibes wherever you are,whatever you are doing.
    Grab one in every flavour to stash in your desk drawer, handbag and gym bag. Mix it up, swap them, and carry one everywhere.
    170 ml
    How to use
    Spray onto your body especially neck and pulse points.


    Store in a cool dry place away from light ,Stop using in case of allergies.

    made in Egypt

  • Sold By: basma natural

    Mint oil

    Sold By: basma natural

    وصف المنتج

    يُعد زيت النعناع واحدًا من أكثر الزيوت الأساسية شهرةً،حيث انه له العديد من الفوائد واالاستخدامات ،يُستخرج زيت النعناع من النعناع، وهو ذو رائحة عطرية رائعة منعشة بيساهم ف الحد من اعراض الحساسية الموسمية،وبيساهم في علاج الصداع ،زيادة الطاقة والنشاط،وايضا بيساعد في فتح الجيوب الانفية والمساعدة علي التنفس جيدا

    استخدامات زيت النعناع

    تدليك الزيوت على البشرة واستخدامها مع زيوت حامله زي زيت جوزالهند او زيت الارجان،بنسبة عشرة نقط من الزيت الحامل مع نقطة او نقطتين من ز يت الجنزبيل-

    استنشاق رائحة الزيوت العطرية في الفواحة-

    إضافة بضعة قطرات منها للماء الدافئ في حوض الاستحمام والاستمتاع بفوائدها العظيمة-

    فوائد زيت النعناع

    الحد من أعراض الحساسية الموسمية

    علاج الصداع

    يستخدم في التخفيف من الام العضلات والمفاصل

    زيادة الطاقة والنشاط

    الاحساس بالانتعاش والحيوية

    التقليل من الغثيان

    التقليل من الحكة

    Peppermint is an aromatic herb in the mint family
    Peppermint oil has a wide variety of uses. For example, it can be used as:

    a treatment for a variety of conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), nausea, and other digestive issues, as well as the common cold and headaches
    a topical application for relief from itching, muscle pain, and headache
    a flavoring agent in foods and in products such as mouthwashes
    a fresh, pleasing scent added to soaps and cosmetic
    also you can use in a diffuser.

  • Sold By: basma natural

    lavender oil

    Sold By: basma natural

    lavender essential oils is one of the most popular essential oils used in aromatherapy,it ‘s perfect for relaxing before sleeping

    how to use lavender oil?

    1.You can put it on your skin with a carrier oil

    2.you can put it in diffuser  or used it  as steam for aromatherapy

    if you use lavender oil for the first time ,you should make a test

    How to do a patch test ?

    *mix a very small amount of essential oil /carrier oil at twice the concentration you plan to use .for example:mix one teaspoon almond oil with 6 drops of lavender oil

    *using the inside of forearm, apply a couple drop of your double concentration mix to the pad of a bandaid and keep the bandaib on the skin, after 48 hours remove the bandaib and check the irritation .

    *you may repeat to check allergic sensitivity

    *if the skin under or around the bundaig become red ,swollen, itchy or develop blisters ,that is a reaction and you should avoid skin exposure to the essential oil you tested.

  • Sold By: basma natural

    coffee lip balm

    Sold By: basma natural

    100% natural coffee lip balm

    Enriched with coconut oil and vitamin e to moisturise your lips against any dryness


    Store in a cool dry place away from light ,Stop using in case of allergies.

    20 g

    color :brown
    coconut oil, shea butter, beewax.vit e, vit a, flavor, color
    made in egypt

  • Sold By: basma natural

    Apple lip balm

    Sold By: basma natural

    100% natural Apple  lip balm

    Enriched with coconut oil , shea butter and vitamin e to moisturise your lips against any dryness


    Store in a cool dry place away from light ,Stop using in case of allergies.

    20 g



    coconut oil, shea butter,beewax.vit e,vit a,flavor,color

    made in egypt

  • Sold By: basma natural

    coconut lip balm

    Sold By: basma natural

    100% natural coconut  lip balm

    Enriched with coconut oil , shea butter and vitamin e to moisturise your lips against any dryness


    Store in a cool dry place away from light ,Stop using in case of allergies.

    20 g

    color :white


    coconut oil, shea butter,beewax.vit e,vit a,flavor,color

    made in egypt

  • Sold By: MINU Soap

    Cheerful Spring Bars

    Sold By: MINU Soap

    مش مجرد صابونة وخلاص…
    Our famous herbal mix is back:)
    بسميها الخلطة السحرية. فيها عشب اللافندر والروز ماري الكاموميل اللي بيرجعوا للبشرة نضارتها ورونقها.
    حاطالكم كمان جوه الصابونة، صابونات صغيرة من الجليسرين الطبيعي علشان نتأكد ان بشرتنا هتبقي رطبة ومنتعشة دايما…
    مش بس كده، و اضافة لطيفة من لبان الدكر وزبدة الشيا علشان السحر يكمل وبشرتك ترجع منورة من جديد:)

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