chocolate essential oil
ere are some of the main benefits of the Chocolate Essential Oil,
-Stimulates the nervous system
-Evokes psycho-physical well-being; for this reason, it is helpful for those who feel stuck and too controlled in their behaviors.Head to our DMs and order yours!
⚠️⚠️Warning: Not to be used if you’re pregnant or with kids and a sensitivity test must be done before applying to the face.
من بعض الفوائد الرئيسية لزيت الشوكولاتة
إنه يحفز الجهاز العصبي
ويحفز الصحة الجسدية النفسية ولهذا السبب،
فهو مفيد لأولئك الأشخاص الذين يشعرون بالتعثر والتحكم الشديد في سلوكياتهمتوجه للرسائل واطلب الآن
تحذير: لا ينصح باستخدام هذا المنتج للحوامل أو الأطفال ويجب إجراء
اختبار حساسية الجلد قبل الاستخدام. -
Normal to dry skin Merakilous (60ml)
Anti aging cream that suits all skin types due to its light texture. It moisturizes, hydrates, tightens, as well as aids in cell regeneration.
Dry brush
Gently massage and exfoliate your skin with this Round Body Brush. Skin will be left softer and smoother to the touch.
Body brush
Removes dead skin cells
Helps to stimulate circulation
Ideal for regular exfoliation -
Rose water
pure distilled rose water with steam used directly on your face to refresh your skin, act as a toner, and create a mild natural fragrance. suitable for all skin types.
Floral Hair Mask
Floral Hair Mask is a deep repair hair mask for all hair types, giving extra strength to your hair, SULFATE-FREE