Pink Lotus

Pink Lotus

  • امتداد 15 مايو مجاورة 2 منطقه 2 فيلا 20, cairo, Cairo, Egypt
  • 01025822291
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47Products found
  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Liquorice soap

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    for face and body

    *Brightening up the skin tone

    *Hide dark spots caused by sun and whitening dark scars

    *Ease inflammation and swelling of skin like resulted from bugs bites

    *Firm and tighten the skin, also control excessive oil production

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Love Rush

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    yalng yalng and jasmine is known with its aphrodisiacs properties which increase sexual desire in addition to alleviating mood and confidence.

    How to use:

    Use on body, bed, or as an room freshener
    Don’t use with hypotensive people

    Size: 125 ml/4.23 oz

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Mosquitoes repellant

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    you can use this spray in the garden or open air spaces to keep mosquitoes and insects away from you due to the power of citronella and lemongrass essential oils.

    How to use:

    Use on body or as an air freshener
    totally safe for children & plants.
    Size: 125 ml/4.23 oz

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Musk oil

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Here are some of the main benefits of the Musk Essential Oil,
    – It’s enriched with vitamin A which keeps the skin healthy and young
    -helps in wound healing, and treats rheumatism.
    -Helps in the health of the liver as it purifies the blood from toxins.
    -It is also considered as a natural antiseptic for insect and pet bites and protects against their toxins.

    Now all you have to do is to head to the DMs and order yours!

    ⚠️⚠️Warning: Not to be used if you’re pregnant or with kids and a sensitivity test must be done before applying to the face.

    فيما يلي بعض الفوائد الرئيسية لزيت المسك الأساسي،
    فهو غني بفيتامين أ الذي يحافظ على صحة الجلد وشبابه
    ويساعد في التئامالجروح-
    ويعالج الروماتيزم-
    يساعد في صحة الكبد لأنه ينقي الدم من السموم-
    كما يعتبر مطه ًرا طبيع ًيا للدغات الحشرات والحيوانات الأليفة ويقي من سمو

    الآن كل ما عليك فعله هو التوجه إلى وطلبها DMs

    تحذير: لا ينصح باستخدام هذا المنتج للحوامل أو الأطفال ويجب إجراء اختبار حساسية الجلد قبل الاستخدام

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    musk scented candle

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    the candle is a mix of beeswax and soy wax scented with musk essential oil in a pottery container.
    the wax used 300 gm.
    burning time 40-60 hours
    height: 15 cm


  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Natural Deodorant-lavender

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Deodorant from #pink_lotus consists of beeswax, coconut oil, shea butter, and natural essential oils that work to prevent the growth of unpleasant odor-causing bacteria and lighten the area with daily use 👍🏻

    ‏The package size is 70 grams

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Natural Deodorant-Lemon

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Deodorant from #pink_lotus consists of beeswax, coconut oil, shea butter, and natural essential oils that work to prevent the growth of unpleasant odor-causing bacteria and lighten the area with daily use 👍🏻

    ‏The package size is 70 grams

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Natural Deodorant-Oud

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Deodorant from #pink_lotus consists of beeswax, coconut oil, shea butter, and natural essential oils that work to prevent the growth of unpleasant odor-causing bacteria and lighten the area with daily use 👍🏻

    ‏The package size is 70 grams

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Peppermint water

    Sold By: Pink Lotus


    -Best toner for oily skin

    -Cooling sensation after sun

    -Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory

    -Keeps insects away

    skin type: normal to oily

    Capacity 125 ml

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Red Musk wax melts

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    f you prefer a strong aroma with a flowery, earthy scent, #RED_Musk Wax Melts are your best.Try it once and you will fall in love forever.

    How to use

    -Place the wax melt in the well of clean & empty oil burner or warming dish

    -light an unscented tea light & place inside the oil burner

    -After the scent is spent, allow the wax to cool

    -Remove the cooled wax and dispose

    PERFECT FOR: Everyday use, wedding, events, romantic dinner, aromatherapy, Spa, Reiki, Meditation

    100% organic soy wax & pure essential oils

    Each pack includes 8-10 wax melt.

    فواحات من الشمع بريحة المسك الاحمر المعروف بريحته القوية و الثابتة و تملى البيت بريحة وردية و عطرة بدوم لساعات.
    طريقة الاستخدام: بنحط واحدة او اتنين من الشمع فى الفواحات الفخار و نشغل تحتها شمعة صغيرة اول ما الفواحات بتسيح بتطلع الريحة و تملى البيت 😌

    منتج طبيعى و صديق للبيئة مكون من شمع الصويا و زيت أساسى و من الممكن إعادة استخدام الفواحة اكتر من مرة

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Rise N shine

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Fresh notes of Rise & Shine spray to pick up your spirits with the power of grapefruit, zesty lemon and orange.

    ✅Natural ingredient


    ✅No alcohol

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Rose water

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    pure distilled rose water with steam used directly on your face to refresh your skin, act as a toner, and create a mild natural fragrance. suitable for all skin types.

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Rosehip Essentialoil

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Get to know some of the main benefits of our Rosehip Essential Oil,
    -Protects you from sun damage
    -it helps reduce inflammation
    -Helps exfoliate and brightens skin

    Now all you have to do is to head to the DMs and order yours!

    ⚠️⚠️ Warning: Not to be used if you’re pregnant or with kids and sensitivity test must be done before applying to face.

    تعرف على بعض الفوائد الرئيسية لزيت ثمر الورد العطري الخاص بنا-
    يحمى من اشاعة الشمس-
    يساعد فى الترطيب-
    يقلل من الالتهاب-
    يساعد فى التقشير و أناره الوجه-


    تحذير: لا ينصح باستخدام هذا المنتج للحوامل أو الأطفال ويجب إجراء اختبار حساسية الجلد قبل الاستخدام

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    scented wax sahets

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Exclusively in pink lotus botanical wax sachets, best for perfuming your car or your home. You can put between clothes, hang in windows, bathrooms, or just as decor and enjoying the released aroma.
    Available scents:
    Lavender (medium purple)
    Coffee (brownish red)
    Chocolate (brownish red)
    Strawberry (pink to red)
    Jasmine (white)
    Musk (brownish)
    Oud (yellow)
    Cinnamon Apple (orange)
    Kiwi (green)

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    scented wax sahets

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Available scents:
    Lavender (medium purple)
    Coffee (brownish red)
    Chocolate (brownish red)
    Strawberry (pink to red)
    Jasmine (white)
    Musk (brownish)
    Oud (yellow)
    Cinnamon Apple (orange)
    Kiwi (green)

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Sleep & Relax spray

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    A blend of pure lavender essential oil and vanilla extract which create an amazing and calming scent to promote relaxation and deep sleep as well.

    How to use:
    Use on body, pillows, linens or as an air freshener
    totally safe in children room.
    Size: 125 ml/4.23 oz

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    strawberry & vanilla pottery candle

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    the candle is a mix between beeswax and soy wax scented with strawberry & vanilla essential oil in a pottery container.
    the wax used 300 gm.
    burning time 40-60 hours
    height: 15 cm
    width: 11 cm

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Tea Tree Essential oil

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Here are some of the main benefits of the Tea Tree Essential Oil,
    -helps in boosting acne and wounds healing
    -helps in strengthing the immune system
    -Brings calmness and centering
    -Natural deodorant and sanitizer
    now all you have to do is to head to the DMs and order yours!

    ⚠️⚠️ Warning: Not to be used if you’re pregnant or with kids and sensitivity test must be done before applying to face.

    هنقولكم بعض الفوائد الرئيسية للزيت العطري لشجرة الشاي،
    بيساعد فى علاج الحبوب و الحروق،
    بيساعد فى تقوية المناعة،
    بيزود احساسك بالهدوء و التركيز،
    مزيل للعرق ومطهر طبيعى

    ⚠️⚠️تحذير: لا ينصح باستخدام هذا المنتج للحوامل أو الأطفال ويجب إجراء اختبار حساسية الجلد قبل الاستخدام على الوجه.

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Tea tree soap

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    For oily skin

    *fights acne and pimples in face, back and arms

    *treat athlete’s foot and good cleanser for the body

    *cures dandruff and itchy scalp

    *keeps body odor refreshing

    main ingredients;

    Tea tree essential oil, Coconut oil, Shea butter, olive oil, castor

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Warm Home

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Fill your home with earthy and woody fragrances with the #warm_home spray. Smell the chocolate as a top note, then the intense floral scent of red_musk and fixative oud as a base note.

    ✅Natural ingredient


    ✅No alcohol

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Yalng Yalng essential oil

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Here are some of the main benefits of the Ylang Ylang Essential Oil,
    -Alleviating anxiety
    -Lower blood pressure
    -Decreasing heart rate
    -Boosting your mood
    -Reducing depression

    Now all you have to do is to head to the DMs and order yours!

    ⚠️⚠️Warning: Not to be used if you’re pregnant or with kids and a sensitivity test must be done before applying to the skin.

    من أهم الفوائد الرئيسية لزيت Ylang Ylang الأساسي.
    يخفف من القلق-
    يقلل من ضغط الدم-
    يقلل من ضربات القلب-
    يحسن المزا-

    كل ما عليك الآن هو التوجه إلى
    !Dm وطلبها

    تحذير: لا ينصح باستخدام هذا المنتج للحوامل أو الأطفال ويجب إجراء اختبار حساسية الجلد

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Yalng Yalng wax melts

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Get rid of the anxiety and stress with #Yalng_yalng Wax Melts. It’s smell like exotic, deep and floral mix of jasmine and neroli.

    How to use

    -Place the wax melt in the well of clean & empty oil burner or warming dish

    -light an unscented tea light & place inside the oil burner

    -After the scent is spent, allow the wax to cool

    -Remove the cooled wax and dispose

    PERFECT FOR: Everyday use, wedding, events, romantic dinner, aromatherapy, Spa, Reiki, Meditation

    100% organic soy wax & pure essential oils

    Each pack includes 8-10 wax melt.

    فواحات من الشمع بريحةاليلانج يلانج المعروف بتأثيره فى التخلص من القلق و التوتر و بريحته القوية و الثابتة و تملى البيت بريحة عطرة بدوم لساعات.
    طريقة الاستخدام: بنحط واحدة او اتنین من الشمع فى الفواحات الفخار و نشغل تحتها شمعة صغيرة اول ما الفواحات بتسيح بتطلع الريحة و تملى البيت 😌

    منتج طبيعى و صديق للبيئة مكون من شمع الصويا و زيت أساسى و من الممكن إعادة استخدام الفواحة اكتر من مرة